| Froy Garza | chief executive officer and executive director | | El Paso, Texas, United States | |
| Matt Vanauken | chief executive officer and executive director | | Englewood, Colorado, United States | |
| Denelle Dixon | chief executive officer and executive director | | San Francisco, California, United States | |
| shanna smith | chief executive officer and executive director | | austell, georgia, united states | |
| kimberly dold | chief executive officer and executive director | downtown development authority | garden city, michigan, united states | |
| james warner | chief executive officer and executive director | our thrust enterprises | atlanta, georgia, united states | |
| bryan butcher | chief executive officer and executive director | alaska state department of revenue | anchorage, alaska, united states | |
| alan algan | chief executive officer and executive director | adi - automotive dealership institute | phoenix, arizona, united states | |
| ccwp garvita sethi | chief executive officer and executive director | accede solutions | chicago, illinois, united states | |
| paulette lemons | chief executive officer and executive director | connections on the parkway | centerville, georgia, united states | |
| stacey howell | chief executive officer and executive director | every woman works, inc. | atlanta, georgia, united states | |
| kimberli smith | chief executive officer and executive director | | jonesboro, georgia, united states | |
| michael kaufman | chief executive officer and executive director | international council of air shows foundation | tampa, florida, united states | |
| martin monson | chief executive officer and executive director | barbershop harmony society | nashville, tennessee, united states | |
| ty thomas | chief executive officer and executive director | tv middletown | middletown, ohio, united states | |
| ron fritsche | chief executive officer and executive director | colorado family services | denver, colorado, united states | |
| jan arnold | chief executive officer and executive director | illinois park & recreation association | chicago, illinois, united states | |
| mark story | chief executive officer and executive director | | lenoir, north carolina, united states | |
| kay kohl | chief executive officer and executive director | ucea | washington, district of columbia, united states | |
| colleen malany | chief executive officer and executive director | jkb experiential education foundation | las vegas, nevada, united states | |