Raffaele Carriola
Chief Financial Officer at ALA
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chief financial officer
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Chief Financial Officer at ALA
Chief Financial Officer at Torello
chief financial officer at fert spedizioni internazionali spa
chief financial officer at circumvesuviana
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Local Location
genoa, liguria, italy
HQ Location
genoa, liguria, italy
package and freight delivery, finance
chief financial officer
HQ Location
genoa, liguria, italy
package and freight delivery
Number of Companies Worked For
impiegato ufficio export at aprile spa
package and freight delivery
milan, lombardy, italy
pietro thellung is currently employed at Aprile spa. pietro is an experienced professional working at aprile spa as the chief financial officer. pietros phone number is (***) ***-*** and email is p.t****@aprile.it to get more information install Sales fuel extension.
pietro thellung is currently employed at Aprile spa.
At present, pietro thellung is serving as the chief financial officer.
The professional email used by pietro thellung is p.t****@aprile.it.
pietro thellung's professional contact number is (***) ***-***.
Carolina Arenas, Antonella Cimino, Francesca Oldrati, Serena Zerbi are some of the colleagues working with pietro thellung.
pietro thellung has worked for aprile spafalse so far.
The company is headquartered at Genoa, Liguria, Italy.
pietro thellung is chief financial officer at Aprile spa.
pietro thellung is currently residing in genoa, liguria, italy.
pietro thellung is currently working with the package and freight delivery, finance industry.