Louise Liu
Associate Director at deloitte
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myp 2 science teacher
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Associate Director at deloitte
China Head of Internal Audit, AVP,oversea working experience at morganstanley bank
English Teacher at shanghai united international school
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Local Location
jiangsu, china
primary and secondary education, education
myp 2 science teacher
6y 7m
6y 7m
Number of Companies Worked For
Average Duration at a Single Company
Years of Professional Experience
sub coordinator at stamford american international school, singapore
education management
myp physical and health education and mathematics teacher at stamford american international school, singapore
teaching professional at stamford american international school, singapore
education management
oslo, oslo, norway
head of humanities at stamford american international school, singapore
education management
head of educational technology at stamford american international school, singapore
primary and secondary education, education
mathew fedley is currently employed at Stamford american international school, singapore. mathew is an experienced professional working at undefined as the myp 2 science teacher. mathews phone number is (***) ***-*** and email is mat****@ssis-suzhou.net to get more information install Sales fuel extension.
mathew fedley is currently employed at Stamford american international school, singapore.
At present, mathew fedley is serving as the myp 2 science teacher.
The professional email used by mathew fedley is mat****@ssis-suzhou.net.
mathew fedley's professional contact number is (***) ***-***.
Teaching, classroom, curriculum design, educational technology, international education, science, technology integration, elementary education are some of the skills that mathew fedley has.
Radhika Desikan, Oliver Wood, Janne Bjerkeland, Kevin Wright are some of the colleagues working with mathew fedley.
mathew fedley has worked for stamford american international school, singaporefalse so far.
The company is headquartered at .
mathew fedley is myp 2 science teacher at Stamford american international school, singapore.
mathew fedley is currently residing in jiangsu, china.
mathew fedley is currently working with the primary and secondary education, education industry.