Franziska Gsell
CMO & Sustainability Committee Chair, Executive Board Member at IWC Schaffhausen
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CMO & Sustainability Committee Chair, Executive Board Member at IWC Schaffhausen
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Local Location
Ticino, Switzerland
HQ Location
monteggio, ticino, switzerland
luxury goods and jewelry
HQ Location
monteggio, ticino, switzerland
retail luxury goods and jewelry
Number of Companies Worked For
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Direttore di produzione at brogioli sa - luxury details
mechanical or industrial engineering
Tresa, Ticino, Switzerland
Klaus Kappmann is currently employed at BROGIOLI SA - Luxury Details. Klaus is an experienced professional working at BROGIOLI SA - Luxury Details as the CMO. Klauss phone number is (***) ***-*** and email is kla**** to get more information install Sales fuel extension.
Klaus Kappmann is currently employed at BROGIOLI SA - Luxury Details.
At present, Klaus Kappmann is serving as the CMO.
The professional email used by Klaus Kappmann is kla****
Klaus Kappmann's professional contact number is (***) ***-***.
Davide Buzzi are some of the colleagues working with Klaus Kappmann.
Franziska Gsell, Michael Pruban, Adrian Guertner, Stefan Jauk are some of the other counterparts holding the similar designation in other organizations like Klaus Kappmann.
Klaus Kappmann has worked for BROGIOLI SA - Luxury Detailsfalse so far.
According to the BROGIOLI SA - Luxury Details Summary, Created in 1985, Brogioli SA was born of the vast professional experience of its founders in the realm of jewellery and precious metal casting. The company initially focused on precision casting and the manufacture of pieces for the spectacle industry. Over the years, the consolidation of production encouraged the growth of a secondary sector – the production of metal watch bracelets, which rapidly became the main area of activity of Brogioli SA. Today, the heart and pride of the company are embodied in the development and perfecting of prototypes. This department is capable of designing high-quality articles that are then perfectly made by departments that specialise in technologies such as CNC, casting, finishing and assembling. These skills enable Brogioli SA to count some of the biggest groups amongst its clients as well as the most prestigious brands in the watchmaking and spectacle industries. Brogioli sa, fondata nel 1985, nasce sulla base delle profonde esperienze professionali maturate dai suoi fondatori nel settore dell’alta oreficeria e della microfusione di metalli preziosi. L’attività, inizialmente, si dedica al settore della microfusione e realizza particolari per il mercato dell’occhialeria; negli anni la produzione si consolida e viene avviato un’ulteriore settore produttivo che si dedica alla realizzazione di bracciali in metallo per il settore orologiero che, in breve tempo, diventa il settore produttivo predominante dell’azienda. Oggi il cuore pulsante, e vanto dell’azienda, è rappresentato dal reparto di progettazione e prototipazione, capace di realizzare articoli di alta qualità che vengono in seguito realizzati ad arte da reparti di produzione altamente specializzati quali CNC, fonderia, finitura e montaggio. Per questo la Brogioli sa annovera oggi tra i propri clienti, alcuni tra i più importanti gruppi e firme del settore orologiero e dell’occhialeria..
The company is headquartered at Monteggio, Ticino, Switzerland.
Klaus Kappmann is CMO at BROGIOLI SA - Luxury Details.
Klaus Kappmann is currently residing in Ticino, Switzerland.
Klaus Kappmann is currently working with the luxury goods and jewelry industry.
Nearly 38 is the total headcount of the company.