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hotesse de caisse-auxilliaire
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(***) ***-***
(***) ***-***
Solution Architect at migros-genossenschafts-bund
Assistant Buyer at manor ag
SAP Consultant FICO at migros-genossenschafts-bund
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Local Location
vaud, switzerland
HQ Location
basel, basel-stadt, switzerland
hotesse de caisse-auxilliaire
HQ Location
basel, basel-stadt, switzerland
Number of Companies Worked For
corinne noth is currently employed at Manor ag. corinne is an experienced professional working at Manor AG as the hotesse de caisse-auxilliaire. corinnes phone number is (***) ***-*** and email is ****@****.com to get more information install Sales fuel extension.
corinne noth is currently employed at Manor ag.
At present, corinne noth is serving as the hotesse de caisse-auxilliaire.
The professional email used by corinne noth is ****@****.com.
corinne noth's professional contact number is (***) ***-***.
Rosaria Maschietto, Michel Steiner, Roland A, Jerome Gilg are some of the colleagues working with corinne noth.
Roland A, Rosaria Maschietto, Michel Steiner, Astrid Burkhardt, Clarissa Wufka are some of the other counterparts holding the similar designation in other organizations like corinne noth.
corinne noth has worked for manor agfalse so far.
According to the Manor ag Summary, Manor is the largest department store operator in Switzerland with 59 branches and employs 7900 people. Manor aims to become the country's preferred omnichannel store. The Manor Group is owned by the Geneva based Maus Frères SA, a Swiss family enterprise spanning over a century, four continents, four generations controlling the following landmark brands .
The company is headquartered at Basel, Basel-stadt, Switzerland.
corinne noth is hotesse de caisse-auxilliaire at Manor ag.
corinne noth is currently residing in vaud, switzerland.
corinne noth is currently working with the supermarkets, industry.
Nearly 3,238 is the total headcount of the company.