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Local Location
Carthage, New York, United States
HQ Location
carthage, new york, united states
Medical Practices
HQ Location
carthage, new york, united states
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Amy McEathron is currently employed at Imec independent medical evaluation company, llc. Amy is an experienced professional working at IMEC Independent Medical Evaluation Company, LLC as the President/Owner. Amys phone number is (***) ***-*** and email is ****@****.com to get more information install Sales fuel extension.
Amy McEathron is currently employed at Imec independent medical evaluation company, llc.
At present, Amy McEathron is serving as the President/Owner.
The professional email used by Amy McEathron is ****@****.com.
Amy McEathron's professional contact number is (***) ***-***.
District President for American Legion Auxiliary 5th District NY, Woman Ties Member, Commercial Lending, Healthcare, Customer Service, Healthcare Management, Injury, Physicians, Workers Compensation, Hospitals, Personal Injury Litigation, Insurance, Medicine, Small Business, Claim, Administration, Working with Physicians are some of the skills that Amy McEathron has.
Jason Fellerman CSA, Tom Beale, Dan Clark, Ryan Lecha are some of the other counterparts holding the similar designation in other organizations like Amy McEathron.
Amy McEathron has worked for imec independent medical evaluation company, llc, watertown ny, imec independent medical evaluation company, llc, watertown nyfalse so far.
According to the Imec independent medical evaluation company, llc Summary, imec was founded in 2006 by owner amy mceathron in the independent medical evaluation company llc, a 100% women owned business that provides services for any new york state-based injury and was certified by the New York State in january of 2015. our quality assurance program ensures that each client is given accurate information relevant to each ime..
The company is headquartered at Carthage, New york, United states.
Amy McEathron is President/Owner at Imec independent medical evaluation company, llc.
Amy McEathron is currently residing in Carthage, New York, United States.
Amy McEathron holds a Business Mangement at Boca Raton High School followed by a Business Mangement at Boca Raton High School.
Amy McEathron is currently working with the Medical Practices industry.
Nearly 6 is the total headcount of the company.