MIP Electronics Oy
Kerava, uusimaa, finland
Sound and vibration For 30 years we have been solving the measuring problems in the field of sound and vibration. MIP is the leading supplier of sound and vibration instruments in Finland. We supply equipment for demanding measuring needs. We have been manufacturing sound level meters and vibration meters since 1986, but today we focus in providing solutions for the sound and vibration measurement problems and represent recognized international companies. Particle Emissions Important to measure People are exposed to many different type of disturbances for example particles in the air. Particles are noticed to have direct harmful affect on health. Process Industry is the main source of particle emissions. In many countries continues control of the emissions is a foundation for operations of plants. Measuring equipment since 1988 MIP Electronics Oy is a professional supplier of dust and opacity monitors. We have worked on this business since 1988, when we delivered the first equipment to our customers. Currently MIP is one of the leading manufacturers of the optical dust and opacity monitors. Measuring equipment that relies on optical transmission principles has gained success in international markets. We have delivered our equipment already to 30 countries in different parts of the world.