mechanical or industrial engineering
Shanghai, shanghai, china
上海上美化妆品有限公司,是全渠道营销、全媒体整合传播的代表性化妆品企业。上美公司计划在2025年,实现全球年销售回款1000亿元;到2045年,上美能够在销售、科研技术、社会公益等领域,秉承"因为喜欢"的企业核心价值观,与世界上最好的企业并驾齐驱,成为全世界最优秀的中国企业。 公司创立于2002年,经过15年的发展现已成为中国本土优秀化妆品企业的代表。旗下拥有韩束、一叶子、红色小象等十二个品牌。公司主营业务为护肤、面膜、男士、母婴、高端洗护、彩妆等品类。公司致力于全球化发展,提前布局日韩,辐射亚洲市场,旗下的日本红道株式会社和红道神户研究所已正式投入使用,每年以3%的销售占比作为科研投入;未来,上美还将在美国和法国建立科研中心和生产基地,覆盖美洲、欧洲和非洲市场,实现全产业布局。 Shanghai Chicmax Cosmetic Company (original name is KanS Cosmetic Company) Focus on consumer goods especially the personal care. The founder & CEO president LV establish this company in 2002. The first brand KanS become the popular Chinese local female skin cae brand from 2010. 2016 top three local cosmetic company in China. Inspire innovation, incubate success & lead the future trends. Keep the fastest growing speed in all Chinese FMCG company. Now it owns brands tier like mask brand "One leaf",baby brand "Red elephant" hair care brand "Sovya" men care brand "WuZun". Now KanS encourage more & more young generation to participant in their company to chase larger & larger dream. One day Chicmax(KanS) will become the first true international FMCG company gened with China.