Taipei Veterans General Hospital
hospital and health care
Taipei, taiwan
Our major achievements in education, research and health-care services are as follows: * Education As a national medical center and a teaching hospital, this hospital provides undergraduate medical education programs for medical students, and residency programs for physicians licensed to practice medicine in Taiwan * Medical Research 1. We successfully utilized vaccine against hepatitis B virus(HBV) in 1981, and in the same year we were the first in the country to successfully detect Down's Syndrome through Amniocentesis in the fetus, and simultaneously established the first sperm banking in Taiwan. 2. The computer-monitored resectoscope for transurethral prostatectomy was invented in1983 and was internationally patented. 3. The first IVF baby of Taiwan was born at our hospital in 1985. 4. In 1986, Virologists of this hospital harvested the first AIDS virus in Asia. 5. In 1989 during researching into the role of papillomavirus in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer, we found HPV gene in the cancer cell line. 6. In January 1993, the first set of Gamma knife was Introduced into country and became functional in March. * Medical care 1. In 1983, we started to technically support five Group Practice Centers(GPC) in Taipei and I-Lan Counties. 2. On March 1, 1995, in cooperation with government we implemented the National Health Insurance to extend health-care services to the public. 3. In May 1995, we formally inaugurated the laminor air flow room, and the Bone Marrow Transplantation Center so as to enable us to deliver specialized care to the patients in need. 4. In July 1996, in cooperation with Kinmen County Hospital we successfully held the first tele-medical consultation to make diagnosis. 5. For the sake of promoting the highest quality care for patients dying of cancer, we founded the 16-bed Hospice and Palliative Care Unit, known also as Ta-Teh Ward on July 16, 1997.